Posted by Hannah on Aug 3, 2012 in Blog, Featured Work, Personal Work | 75 comments
This 19 year old Shep being cradled in his father’s arms earlier this week in Lake Superior. Shep falls asleep every night when he is carried into the lake. I was so happy I got to capture this moment for John. By the way, John rescued Shep as an 8 month old puppy, and he’s been by his side through many adventures .
This Facebook post has gone viral, and I am so excited to welcome new fans from all over! I will have more info and more photos of John and Shep later this weekend. I am in the midst of crazy season, and had no clue this would take off like it has. Love to everyone!!
當你的寵物老了、病了,你願意盡所能照顧並且陪伴牠嗎?19歲的老狗Shep 患有關節炎,然而他的爸爸(飼主)非常有耐心,每天在睡前抱他到湖中,用水療的方式舒緩關節疼痛與不適的感覺。這一幕讓所有人看了非常感動,畢竟對狗來說,主人就是牠的全部,能被人疼愛到終老的狗,是非常幸福的。
19歲老狗患關節炎 主人天天抱牠到湖中做水療(圖/翻攝StonehousePhoto)
寵物跟人一樣,都會經歷生老病死。「Shep」從8個月大就跟著飼主John,現在已經是隻19歲的老狗了,而且患有嚴重的關節炎,常常腳痛得寢食難安。但John沒有因此減少對Shep的愛,而且每天都不厭其煩地,抱著牠到蘇必略湖 (Lake Superior),用水療方式可以舒緩不適的感覺,這個季節的水溫非常溫暖。